Sunday 25 January 2015

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel review

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel is the latest release from the new, natural haircare brand that I have recently fallen in love with. It is designed to work in conjunction with the Deep Conditioning Hair Oil by providing an adjustable heat source to aid the penetration of the oil into the hair shaft.

It is a turban towel design and it can be used cable free or whilst attached to a battery.

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel

I recently reviewed the Roots & Rituals Deep Conditioning Hair Oil and Conditioner and I absolutely fell in love with both of them! Therefore when Karishma, the founder of the company, got in touch to offer me the chance to test out the accompanying towel, I was incredibly excited to do so!

The towel is a soft material in a nice, bright purple and the electricals come packaged in their own boxes. It has two buttons on the back to attach a small piece of white elastic which will hold the towel in place once on the head (see how to use below). This version of the towel is the old version and is hand-wash only, but the new towels that are now available are machine washable.

How to use:

Step 1:

Take the charger unit and the battery unit (packaged in separate boxes) and plug the charger into the mains and attach the cable into the battery pack and allow to charge.

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel battery Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel battery

Charging the Heated Hair Towel the first time for me took roughly two hours. As you wait you will see numbers appear on the side of the battery that gradually change from 1 to 9, 1 meaning depleted and 9 meaning fully charged.

The light on the plug will turn from red to green once the battery is charged.

Step 2:

Remove the battery from the charger and plug the cable on the towel into the battery unit. Turn the battery on by pressing and holding the on button for 3 seconds.

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel remote control

Use the remote to select your preferred heat setting (3 being the warmest) and roll up the towel during charging for maximum heat retention. Leave for 12 minutes.

Step 3:

Just before the 12 minutes are up, apply the hair oil to the hair (for more details see my Roots & Rituals Deep Conditioning Hair Oil and Conditioner reviews).

Roots & Rituals Deep Conditioning Hair Oil

Step 4:

Put the towel on the hair and tie up. If you haven’t tied up a turban towel before, this is how to do it (with my sister as the model!):

Lean forward and put the towel over the hair with the buttons positioned at the back of the head. Twist the end of the towel and hold onto the small piece of white elastic just on the inside of the end of it. 

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel

Still holding onto the elastic, pull the end of the towel backwards over your head and towards the buttons that are placed on the back. Attach the elastic to whichever of the buttons feels most comfortable.

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair TowelRoots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel

Your towel should now be ready and in place!

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel

Step 5:

Allow the oil to work on the hair for between 30-40 minutes.

At this stage you have the option to either keep the battery connected to the towel or to remove it. By removing it the heat will gradually decrease in temperature but it will be completely cable free. Keeping it connected will keep the temperature consistent but will mean that it won't be wire free.


The Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel is a really easy product to use. At first it may seem a tad confusing with the different boxes and wires but I assure you that it is simple.

On the first charge of the battery, it took roughly two hours to reach maximum capacity. It’s worth keeping this in mind as you can plan ahead and have the battery charged way before you need to use it to enable you to jump straight in.

Using the towel for 30-40 minutes on the highest setting only took the battery down to 7, so re-charging for future uses won't take so long.

Roots & Rituals Heated Hair Towel instructions

I used the towel on setting 3 which was the perfect temperature for me. I also tried it without keeping the battery attached and with it attached. The heat doesn’t disappear quickly, so if you don’t want to carry the battery around with you then you can still enjoy a good temperature.

With that said, I did prefer to keep the battery connected to the towel to keep the heat setting more consistent. Carrying the battery isn’t even a hassle, I was easily able to tuck it into my pocket to still keep my hands free as I wandered about and on the sofa you can put it down next to you.

In regards to the effect that it has on the oil, I found that the oil worked better on my hair with the consistent heat. On my original use of the oil the warm towel that I used lost heat very quickly, but with the use of the Heated Hair Towel it enabled me to reap the maximum benefits of the Deep Conditioning Hair Oil.

Therefore, if you are interested in trying out the oil, I definitely recommend the accompanying towel. It really helps to boost the results and your hair will be thanking you for it, too!

You can soon purchase the Roots & Rituals Hot Hair Towel from Roots & Rituals.
I will be updating with purchase information soon, so definitely check back if you are interested in buying one!

What are your thoughts on the Roots & Rituals Hot Hair Towel? Have you tried any of their natural haircare products?

Let me know in the comments below!

Zoe. @Beautifinous

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